At the half way point, Anand has regained the sole lead by defeating Grischuk in a very good game. With the exception of Svidler – Aronian game, everyone fought hard in this round. Aronian is not at his best as he is on antibiotic.

Current standings:

1. Anand 5.0
2. Gelfand 4.5
3. Kramnik 4.0
4. Grischuk 3.5
5-6 Leko, Aronian 3.0
7-8 Svidler, Morozevich 2.5

Round 8 matchups:

GM Svidler Peter – GM Kramnik Vladimir
GM Aronian Levon – GM Morozevich Alexander
GM Gelfand Boris – GM Anand Viswanathan
GM Leko Peter – GM Grischuk Alexander

Your prediction?

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