By Chess Coach William Stewart

Original article on Banza 2011 – 5th Kings Chess Tournament, Round 7 available here

Magnus Carlsen achieved a very solid positional victory against Vassily Ivanchuk, grinding down his experienced opponent in an endgame that appeared drawish at first. White emerged from the opening with a very slight advantage due to his opponent’s isolated d-pawn. Carlsen then went on to provoke multiple weaknesses as Ivanchuk defended passively. Carlsen certainly deserved the win and taught Ivanchuk that passive defense is not enough to stop a win from Carlsen. I do believe that Ivanchuk could have defended much more actively. Carlsen now leads with 5/7, trailed by Karjakin at 4.5/7 and Nakamura at 3.5/7.

Carlsen Presses After Ivanchuk’s 48. ..f5

Karjakin vs. Radjabov

Karjakin played a very peaceful game today with Radjabov, maintaining his position near the top as the tournament enters the final rounds. Nisipeanu played a somewhat off-beat line against Nakamura’s Najdorf to trade pieces early and force a perpetual check on move 31.

For more coverage, please check out the Banza 2011 – 5th Kings Chess Tournament, Round 7 article on Will’s website.

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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