Brevity is the soul of wit! Beautiful! 1.Ng5 threatening mate at h7. Spite checks Bh2-Kh1 or Qe3-Nxe3 only delay the inevitable. 1…Qg6. Only try to cover h7.(Qh5 gives away Q for free and delays mate at h7 by a move.for it is mate next move) 2.Qxh7+!!!.Qxh7. 3.Nf7#!!!!
And mate can’t be prevented. If black doesn’t protect the bishop with the queen, white plays Qh7#. However, even protecting the bishop won’t help since white still plays Qxh7 and performs a smother mate from f7 with the knight.
Brevity is the soul of wit! Beautiful!
1.Ng5 threatening mate at h7. Spite checks Bh2-Kh1 or Qe3-Nxe3 only delay the inevitable.
1…Qg6. Only try to cover h7.(Qh5 gives away Q for free and delays mate at h7 by a move.for it is mate next move)
1.Ng5 Qg6
2.Qxh7+ Qxh7
1. Ng5 Qg6 2. Qxh7+ Qxh7 3. Nf7#
With the black g-pawn pinned….
1. Ng5
And mate can’t be prevented. If black doesn’t protect the bishop with the queen, white plays Qh7#. However, even protecting the bishop won’t help since white still plays Qxh7 and performs a smother mate from f7 with the knight.
1Ng5 2 Qxb 3 knight gives smothered mate
Ng5 threatening Qxh7#, Qg6, Qxh7+, Qxh7, Nf7# à l’étouffée
Should 1.Ng5 be the move. Threatening mate – Qg6 the only possible defense, but then Qxh7 and following Nf7#
RikuR from Finland
Smothering tactic
1. Ng5…….
Ng5 Qg6
Qh7+ Qh7
Ng5 Qg6
Qh7+! Qh7
Ng4. Qg6
Qxh7. Qxh7
Nf7 smothered mate
1.Kg5 Qg6 2.Qxh7+ Qxh7 3.Kf7++
1.Ng5 Qg6
2.Qxh7+ Qxh7
You are using the symbol K for knight.It is logical but K is silent in “knight”.What symbol do you use for king?