Ask a direct opening or tactics question directly to a Grandmaster 2700+!

Have you ever prepared for a tournament and come to a point where you need quick advice about a position, strategy, or way to play against the opponent? Imagine if you could get such advice directly from a 2700 club member…

Now this is possible! With the new Interactive services launched by the Chessdom Chess shop.

What is “Direct question to 2700 GM”

The basic idea of the “direct question” is to ask something concrete in a critical line, critical position, or opening specifics.

Such questions are perfect when preparing for a specific opponent, or when you need a surprise weapon for your blitz games. If less than 10 games are played in a given variation, then it can be very effective to find the “human key” to the position.

In other words, do not expect an interesting answer on a question like “What is better 1. e4 or 1.e4″, but try to use the full advantage of having a 2700 GM ready to help you in a certain position or specific line.

Where can I access the “Direct question to 2700 GM”?

The only place where the direct question to a 2700 GM will be available is the Chessdom Shop. If want to know more details about the Interactive services and the Direct Question contact us here.

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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