Arctic Chess NGP in Tromsø (during World Cup so for those who get knocked out early can participate)
August 16 – 18 : 7 rounds swiss (3 rounds 20 5 + 4 rounds 90 30)
Prize Fund: 5.000 EURO!
A Main: 1000-600-400 Elo -2300: 500-300-200 Elo –2000: 250-150-100
B Main: 500-300-200 Elo -1500: 250 150 100
Group A Elo 1750+ Start fee: NOK 700,- Free:All participants in the FIDE World Cup
Group B: Elo -1750 Start fee: NOK 350,-
Players with -1750 can apply to the organizer to participate in Group A.
=> Registration
Playing schedule:
August 16: (Rapid 20 5)
Round 1: 19.30 Round 2: 20.45 Round 3: 22.00
August 17: (Classical chess 90 30)
Round 4: 10.00 Round 5: 18.00
August 18: (Classical chess 90 30)
Round 6: 10.00 Round 7: 15.00
=> Registration
Chief Arbiter: Trond Romsdal
Arbiter: Øyvind Pedersen
Organizer: Jan Sigmund Berglund (+47 992 79 489)
Other side events:
This is great.