It seems that Topalov is REALLY at home in Spain. He started the second half with his second consecutive win. His latest victim is Bacrot of France who lost with the White pieces. Now, Topalov has climbed all the way back to even score.

In the mean time, Leko held on for dear life against Radjabov to earn 1/2 point. Aronian had a 35 move draw against Ivanchuk in a Rook endgame. At least “Chuky” didn’t lose on time today. Svidler and Vallejo called it a day at move 31.

After two consecutive wins, Topalov has surged into a tie for third, 1.5 points behind Leko and 1 point behind Aronian. Don’t forget that Topalov still have to face both of them. Therefore, he still has a chance to catch both of them.

The standings after round 9 are:

1. 6.0 GM Peter Leko (Hungary 2740)

2. 5.5 GM Levon Aronian (Armenia 2752)

3-5. 4.5 GM Teimour Radjabov (Azerbaijan 2700), GM Peter Svidler (Russia 2765), GM Veselin Topalov (Bulgaria 2801)

6-7. 4.0 GM Vassily Ivanchuk (Ukraine 2729), GM Francisco Vallejo Pons (Spain 2650)

8. 3.0 GM Etienne Bacrot (France 2717) Posted by Picasa

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar