Dear chessfriends,

From Mr Hensel’s statement of 18 November, it is obvious that the organizers of the match Topalov-Kramnik tried to reach an agreement with the players, which would not include FIDE from the beginning, aiming afterwards to force FIDE in accepting the terms of this agreement.

Such a practice is against any deontology if someone is really interested to organize a World Championship match within FIDE.

We wish to point out that all the announcements concerning who agrees with this match, who offered or not to hold a meeting and who rejected all the proposals could have been avoided if FIDE was invited and took part in the relevant negotiations.

Finally, and in order to clarify the situation, FIDE’s invitation for a meeting of all the parties involved is still open and valid.

Best regards,
Georgios Makropoulos
FIDE Deputy President


This is a very sad situation. I am tempted to invite all parties to come to New York for a serious negotiation session. I will prepare some delicious Hungarian goulash. We can all sit at the same table to enjoy some good food and iron things out in one day for the best interest of chess. At least they can debate about my cooking and agree on other issues.

I hope everyone will think about the average fans and put aside their inflated egos. We need unity in chess. We don’t need more trash talking and division. The World Chess Championship crown has been tarnished for a while now. Let’s clean things up and restore some dignity to this prestigious title.

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