Here is a sample video clip between Grischuk and Morozevich.
1 GM Anand, Viswanathan IND 2779 23.0
2 GM Aronian, Levon ARM 2741 21.0
3 GM Radjabov, Teimour AZE 2729 20.5
4 GM Svidler, Peter RUS 2750 20.5
5 GM Ponomariov, Ruslan UKR 2703 19.5
6 GM Morozevich, Alexander RUS 2747 18.0
7 GM Grischuk, Alexander RUS 2710 18.0
8 GM Gelfand, Boris ISR 2733 18.0
9 GM Carlsen, Magnus NOR 2698 17.5
10 GM Karpov, Anatoly RUS 2668 17.5
11 GM Karjakin, Sergey UKR 2672 17.0
12 GM Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar AZE 2728 17.0
13 GM Polgar, Judit HUN 2710 17.0
14 GM Leko, Peter HUN 2741 16.5
15 GM Jakovenko, Dmitry RUS 2671 15.5
16 GM Bologan, Viktor MDA 2659 10.5
17 GM Timofeev, Artyom RUS 2662 10.0
18 GM Jobava, Baadur GEO 2650 9.0
Complete crosstables can be found here.
Actually Anand has won the event with 23 on 34 !
Anand, The Undisputed Rapid and Blitz World Champion!!!!!
Good for Vishy! Great pics on the official site 🙂
Susan, could you try to find some games through Judit? (Looks like Leko puled two draws with her : )
The video clip isn’t working for me. I even tried posting the link. I’d love to see it.
spectacular collapse by Mamedyarov! 12/17 on the first day! 5/17 on the second day! from +7 to -7!
I like Vishy. Wish I could have watched the games live.
To bdp :
Here is a mirror :
Go Anand, Go….The World championship 2007 is waiting for you in Mexico…
There are two videos on this page. It’s in Russian.
The movie links are just above the table.
Looks like Vishy lost just 2 games out of 34. And also didn’t have a minus score against anyone! Remarkable achievement by a real gentleman.
cream rises to the top. I feel vindicated. I picked Anand as one of the best blitz players ever in the history of chess based on speed, quality of the games and opposition and beating your rivals by a wide margin
“Go Anand, Go….The World championship 2007 is waiting for you in Mexico…”
“Tournament/FIDE World Champioship” i.e. the candidates tournament to play the Classical/REAL World Champion, and by far the best player in the world, The Great and Unique Vladimir Kramnik