The World Championship in Mexico City is 20 days away. Here are the 8 players who will fight for the crown:
Kramnik (Russia)
Anand (India)
Svidler (Russia)
Morozevich (Russia)
Aronian (Armenia)
Leko (Hungary)
Gelfand (Israel)
Grischuk (Russia)
What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of each of the 8 players?
Here is the official World Championship website.
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Aronian because he’s hungry for the title. He’s also fearless.
My thoughts on the top 3:
Very strong in Openings, Computeresque in spotting tactics, puts opponents under pressure by playing fast, clearly the most talented among the eight participants.
Very hard to beat, can squeeze a win out of the tiniest advantage, the man in form. Question is can he win enough games to win the tournament.
Extremely resourceful, full of little tricks a lax opponent can fall for, very like Kramnik in squeezing out wins of tiny positional advantages. Openings are a little suspect.
I forgot to add Anand’s weakness in the above post:
“He probably doesnt have the patience to sit and calculate deep enough and may make superficial moves as a result”
where r usa?
I think it will come down to Kramnik and Anand. I think, though, that Kramnik will win simply because he is so extremely difficult to defeat.
He might not win each game but “not losing” is a talent which comes in very handy during important tournaments. Thus, it’s this talent of Kramnik’s that will probably allow him to remain the champ.
I’m no fan of any of the players. I have no favorites. Just my thoughts.
To anon 4:30:00 PM:
usa who!? LOL
Name me 1 player from USA chess that could compete with these guys at this level?
Sorry…that player doesn’t exist! Maybe in 10 or 20 years when the new youth trained by Susan arrives on the stage? -;)
“usa who!? LOL”
He asked WHERE, not who, goofy. It’s just south of Canada.
Though I doubt Morozevich will win the whole thing, I’ll bet his games will generally be the most entertaining.
He asked WHERE, not who, goofy. It’s just south of Canada
LOL!! Now, now lets not start with the Canada vs USA jokes!
please tell a canada vs usa joke, cause i didnt understand it, either.
it s hard to know who´s going to be the winner, in chess anything cn happen, remember st louis 2005=?
maybe all will win,ja.
With all due respect to the organizers of this event, why can’t they put out a decent English-language version of the player biographies on the official tournament website? How hard is it to find a competent translator?