Ne2+, White can’t take that Knight with e-Rook coz Black will checkmate at Rf8#. If White take that Knight with d-Rook White will take it with Queen Qxe2 and Black Rook cant take that White Queen.
Doesn’t Qe2 work better? If Rdd1, then Qxd1 and it can’t be taken because of Ne2+ followed by Rf1+ leading to mate. Same mating pattern works if Rdxd2.
Although Ne2+ is perhaps the best move, there is another good move on the board. 1. … Nf3+ 2.(a) gxf Rxf3 and the Queen is trapped 2.(b) QxN RxQ 3. gxR Qxf3 bad news for white 2.(c) Kh1 or f1 or f2 NxRd2 game over
B 2.Nf6+ Rxf6 3.exf6 Qxd2 and black is one piece ahead
C 2.Qd3 Qxe1+
D 2.Ne3 or h3 Qxd2
E 2.Ne7+ Kh8
1. … Ne2+ can be met with 2.Ndxe2 Qxe2 3.Nf6+,
and if black plays 1. .. Nf3+ white still has the option of 2.gxf3 Rxf3 3.Qg2, anf attemoting to win the Queen with 3…. R3f5 (R8f5 4.e6 Rg5 5. e7 Rxg2+ 6.Rxg2 followed by 8.e8=Q) fails due to 4.e6 Rg5 5.e7 Rxg2+ 6.Rxg2 Re8 7.Nf6+ 8.Nxh5
If R(e)xe2 then Rf1 mate If R(d)xe2 then both Nxe2+ and first Rf1+ lead to back rank mate If Nf6+ then Rxf6 renews the threats long enough to take the rook on d2
1. …, Ne2+ (forks the Q)
2. R2xe2 (2. R1xe2??. 2…., Rf1 mate);
2. …, Qxe2 with the double threat 3…., Rf1+ and black wins.
Erik Fokke
Amsterdam, Netherlands
1… Ne2 won’t work here because of 2 Rdxe2 Qxe2, 3 Nf6+.
However, White has a nice tactical shot here.
1… Qe2!
2 Nf6+
The Queen is taboo. 2 Rexe2 Rf1# or 2 Rdxe2 Nxe2+ with mate to follow.
2 …. Rxf6
3 exf6 Qxd2
Black is up a piece with a superior position.
The rook on e1 is pinned because of the back-rank mate threat, and the knight on d4 is threatening a royal fork on e2.
1 Qe2 wins
if …Rd2xe2; Nxe2+ not only winning the queen but with mate next aver Rf1+.
so 1…Nf6+
2 Rxf6 e5xf6
3 Qxd2 and white’s up a knight.
Ne2+ wins an exchange . White can’t capture with the rook because of checkmate on the first rank .
Looks like 1… Ne2+ 2. Rdxe2 (if 2. Kh1 Nxg3+ winning the queen. If 2. Rexe2 Rf1 mate) Qxe2 3. Rxe2 Rf1 mate.
Ne2+, White can’t take that Knight with e-Rook coz Black will checkmate at Rf8#. If White take that Knight with d-Rook White will take it with Queen Qxe2 and Black Rook cant take that White Queen.
1…Ne2+! wins
If 2.Rexe2 Rf1#
If 2.Rdxe2 Qxe2… followed by Rf1#
1. Qe2!
Doesn’t Qe2 work better? If Rdd1, then Qxd1 and it can’t be taken because of Ne2+ followed by Rf1+ leading to mate. Same mating pattern works if Rdxd2.
Ne2 looks obvious, but bad move 🙂
1….Qe2 threatening either Rf1 mate or Qxd2 and the queen cannot be taken
2.Nf6+ Rxf6! or 2.Ne7+ maybe Kg8.
Right square, wrong piece. Ne2+? Rdxe2 Qxe2 Nf6+! turns the tables.
But maybe some other piece can move to e2 with devastating effect?
Although Ne2+ is perhaps the best move, there is another good move on the board.
1. … Nf3+
2.(a) gxf Rxf3 and the Queen is trapped
2.(b) QxN RxQ 3. gxR Qxf3 bad news for white
2.(c) Kh1 or f1 or f2 NxRd2 game over
Ne2 doesn’t win as far as I can tell as all the analysis posted have overlooked white’s third move:
1. …..Ne2
2. Rde2 Qe2 (only move now)
3. Nf6! Rf6 (only move)
4. ef6 Qd2
5. Qd3 and I would judge this position to be slightly in favor of white.
Qe2 id the move threatening both rooks and a mate at f1. Of course white can’t take the queen.
No, black forces the issue with
1. …..Qe2!
With a double threat of Rf1+ and Qd2. White has no reply that doesn’t lose:
2. Rde2 Ne2 (Rf1+ mates, too)
3. Kh1 Rf1
4. Rf1 Rf1#
Best for white is
2. Nf6 Rf6
3. ef6 Qd2
4. Qe3 Qe3
5. Re3 Rf6 and black is up a piece.
common now chess dudes. Ne2 ain’t quite it. Qe2 is the move, and it is cool besides. Yo. Shout out to the Vid. Keep studyin, Dr. Evil.
After Ne2+ … Qe2 White can reply Nf6+ blocking the column
Nf6+ Rf6
ef and the Queen fly without a win.
So Nf3+ seems better
1.Ne2+ wins an exchange, but 1.Qe2! wins the game. Shades of Levitsky-Marshall.
1.. Qe2! is the move
Rd2 hangs, Rf1 and checkmate is
threatened … finito
Who the hell is so greedy with Ne2?
1.Ne2+ Rdxe2 2.Qxe2 h4 3.Rf1+ Rxf1 4.Rf1+ Kh2 5.Qd1 Kh3 6.Rh1+ Qh2 7.Rxh2+ Kxh2 #Black resigned because lose queen and not enough material to fight
Should be Qe2
Taking the queen will result in checkmate with Ne2 and/or Rf1
Blocking the f file with Nf6 will result in Rxf6, exf6 and Qxd2
1. … Qe2
threatens 2… Rf1 followed by checkmate.
2.Rdxe2 Nxe2+
3.Kh1 Rf1+
4.Rxf1 Rxf1#
2.Nf6+ Rxf6
3.exf6 Qxd2
and black is one piece ahead
2.Qd3 Qxe1+
2.Ne3 or h3 Qxd2
2.Ne7+ Kh8
1. … Ne2+ can be met with
2.Ndxe2 Qxe2
and if black plays
1. .. Nf3+ white still has the option of
2.gxf3 Rxf3
3.Qg2, anf attemoting to win the Queen with
3…. R3f5 (R8f5 4.e6 Rg5 5. e7 Rxg2+ 6.Rxg2 followed by 8.e8=Q)
fails due to
4.e6 Rg5
5.e7 Rxg2+
6.Rxg2 Re8
so, I clearly prefer 1. … Qe2
In my previous post, I didn’t see Nf6+.
1… Nf3+ doesn’t work. After 2. gxf3 Rxf3 3. Qg2 and white is up a piece.
I studied this more and it looks like the following works:
1… Qe2 (the threat is Rf1+ and mate soon to follow) 2. Nf6+ Rxf6 3. exf6 Qxd2 and Black is up a piece.
1… Qe2 2. Rdxe2 Rf1+ 3. Rxf1 Nxe2+ 3. Kh1 Rxf1#
1… Qe2 2. Rexe2 Rf1#
1… Qe2 2. h3 (to give the king an escape square) Rf1+ 3. Rxf1 Rxf1+ 3. Kh2 Qxd2 and black is up a rook.
I think this is all correct. Doing it in my head.
A very nice problem to solve.
Ne2 is not good, queen to e2 is the winning move
An interesting puzzle. I thought of Ne2+ initially, but after the Qxe2 variation, Nf6+ from white wins.
As for Nf3+,
gxf3 Rxf3
What else could black do?
Qe2, of course
If R(e)xe2 then Rf1 mate
If R(d)xe2 then both Nxe2+ and first Rf1+ lead to back rank mate
If Nf6+ then Rxf6 renews the threats long enough to take the rook on d2
1. How about dxe5 to eliminate white’s knight check at f6, black’s Ne2+ is now a real threat.
Ne2+ doesn’t work, since in that line after Qe2, W plays Nf6+ and screws everything up. Start w Qe2. Yo.
Black key move is Qe2
Black key move is Qe2