Professor Kamsky showed Anand how to play Rook and Pawn endgame. This is vintage Kamsky! No matter what happens the rest of the way, I am very proud to see Gata showing his old flashes.

Ponomariov – Topalov 1/2
Bacrot – Svidler 1/2
Anand – Kamsky 0-1

After 3 rounds, the standings are:

1 2.5 GM Kamsky (USA 2671)
2-3 2.0 GM Anand (India 2803), GM Svidler (Russia 2743)
4-5 1.0 GM Ponomariov (Ukraine 2738), GM Topalov (Bulgaria 2804)
6 0.5 GM Bacrot (France 2708)

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