This is the story between GM Ponomariov and GM Kamsky in their first game earlier today according to GM Shipov. Kamsky misread the chart and thought he was supposed to have White against Ponomariov. So he went ahead and prepared accordingly.

He was very upset to find out right before the game that he was having Black. He got a horrendous position but managed to hold on for a draw. The good news is he can relax tonight since he already prepared for White yesterday. There is always something good somewhere 🙂

This reminds me of what happened in 2004 in Calvia at the Olympiad. I was told that the Captain of the French women’s team got the wrong colors in one of the rounds. So the entire team prepared for the wrong colors on every board. I do not remember how the French team did but I am sure they were not very happy.

How would you handle it if the same thing happens to you? 🙂

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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