Chess Club complains about lack of recognition
Liza Atamy
Issue date: 5/12/08

The SJSU Chess Club has had trouble being recognized as an official club on campus by Student Involvement, said Albert Rich, the president of the club. Rich, a senior economics major, said the club did not receive funding for a trip to a Pan-Am in Miami, resulting in the club’s inability to participate in the competition.

“Associated Students provides the funds, and they failed to fully fund us because Student Involvement didn’t promptly approve us as an official group,” Rich said. “A.S. didn’t want the paperwork until we were approved as a club.

“The Chess Club on campus has 12 to 20 active members who show up to meetings and 150 members who have signed up for the club, Rich said. “Our team defeated Rowan University, the University of Utah and tied with George Washington University,” Rich said, referring to exhibition matches held online.

Rich said he went to Student Involvement to complain about the lack of recognition of the club, but the meeting was unhelpful.

Here is the full article.

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