6 -8 February 2013, Moscow (Russia)
Objective: To educate and certify Organizers on an international basis. The seminar is organized during the Moscow Chess Open by the FIDE Events’ Commission (EVE), the Russian State Social University (RSSU) and the Moscow Chess Federation with the support of the Russian Chess Federation.
Subject: This seminar will be held at Moscow, Russia from 6th to 8th February 2013. Successful Seminar attendees will grant a FIDE IO Norm necessary for the FIDE IO title application. Detailed International Organizers Titles Regulations here: http://events.fide.com/titles-regulations.html.
Thursday, 7th February 10:00 to 14:00 Seminar (Part 2)
Friday, 8th February 10:00 to 14:00 Seminar (Part 3 – Exams)
Venue: Russian State Social University (RSSU), B. Pick Street, 4; metro station “Botanical Garden”.
Applications for accommodation are accepted until 10th January 2013 on the festival website www.moscowchess.org (“Registration Form”). E-mail: mo2013_hotel@mail.ru
Seminar Topics:
Evaluation Criteria – FIDE Calendar Regulations – Events’ Management.
Seminar Fee: 3000 rubles
Number of participants: maximum 20
Alexander Nikolayevich Kostyev, IO Professor of Russian State Social University
Theodoros Tsorbatzoglou ,IO FIDE Events Commission
Language: The seminar will be held in Russian and English language.
Moscow Chess Federation: Tel/fax: +7 495 945 75 22; E-mail: moschess@mail.ru
Web page: http://www.moscowchess.org
Nice city.