Disclaimer: As a matter of fairness, I will publish articles, letters, and information from both parties when I receive them.

87 National Federations Now Support the “One World. One Vision.” Team!
August 19, 2010 By World Chess Support

We welcome the support of the National Federations of Costa Rica and Hong Kong!

We would like to thank the 87 National Federations who have come forth to support Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and the “One World. One Vision.” Team!

We will provide you with more updates on the National Federations supporting our team as they become available!

We are heading towards a great victory with over 50% of the National Federations that are voting in the upcoming FIDE Elections supporting Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and his team, “One World. One Vision.”!

Meanwhile, our opponent Anatoly Karpov and his team are still claiming the support of only 23 National Federations. However, the number of supporters claimed by Karpov and his team is not even accurate.

Russia, Honduras, and Bosnia & Herzegovina have already made their support for Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and his Team quite clear and the fact that Karpov refuses to update his list of supporters to reflect the accurate number (which is 20), is proof that he is desperately trying to hang on to even the National Federations that are no longer supporting him.

Our opponent refuses to accept the reality of the situation, which is that the National Federations are speaking louder than ever and they are supporting the “One World. One Vision.” Team! This has led Karpov and his team to other acts of desperation in an effort to hang on to the thread that still ties them to this election.

Not only does our opponent undermine and challenge the decisions made by the National Federations supporting our team, which in itself is disrespectful to those National Federations, but our opponents desperate tactics put at risk the democratic values the World Chess community has come to embrace.

We would like to thank the 85 National Federations who have come forth to support Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and the “One World. One Vision.” Team!

We will provide you with more updates on the National Federations supporting our team as they become available!

Gens una sumus
“One World. One Vision.” Campaign

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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