54th Reggio Emilia Tournament

The 54th Torneo di Capodanno is set to take place from 27th December 2011 to 6th January 2012 in Reggio Emilia, Italy. The tournament is changing the format to the very popular six-player double round robin.

Anish Giri mentioned some of the participants in an interview during the European Team Chess Championship. Thanks to Martha Fierro we now have the complete list:

Vassily Ivanchuk
Hikaru Nakamura
Fabiano Caruana
Anish Giri
Nikita Vitiugov

Update (17th Dec): Vugar Gashimov, winner of the 53rd Reggio Emilia tournament, withdrew his participation and will be replaced by GM Alexander Morozevich

The tournament is organized by Circolo Ippogrifo di Reggio Emilia, in collaboration with Accademia Internazionale di Scacchi and Scacchi Randagi.

A women round robin tournament will take place parallel to the main event:

WGM Sopiko Guramishvili, Georgia 2374
WGM Iva Videnova, Bulgaria 2297, IM norm from ETCC 2011
WGM Anna Sharevich, Belarus 2267
WIM Marina Brunello, Italia 2221
WFM Maria De Rosa, Italia 2122
WFM Marianna Chierici, Italia 2048

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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