39th Annual Eastern Open
Dec. 27-30 or Dec. 28-30, 2012 – 3 & 4 day schedule
$17,500 in prizes Over 70 prizes
Open prizes Guaranteed Others based on 200 paid entries
120 Enhanced GP Chess Magnet School JGP
Many thanks to Todd Hammer for running the book store
at the 2012 Eastern Open
8 Round Swiss System Tournament for Top 3 Sections. 4 and 3 day schedules.
7 Round 3 Day Swiss System tournament for the U1600 & U1300 sections
Warm-up Tournament on 12/26 Blitz Championship on 12/26
Enjoy a free lecture by FM Allan Savage on 12/27 at 10 AM
Site and Hotel
1400 M St. NW, Washington DC.
Phone: (888) 627-9035 HR: $79 if reserved by 12/14
Hotel Parking $15/day All cars accommodated!!!!
Note! The hotel link above will allow you to reserve at the special chess rate
Open Section [FIDE Rated]
All prizes guaranteed in this Section.
$2,000 $1,250 $650 $350
U2350 $500 $250
Under 2200 Section: $1,000 $750 $500, $250
U2100 $400 U2000 $400
Under 1900 Section:$1,000 $750 $500 $250
U1800 $400 U1700 $400
Under 1600 Section: $1000, $500 $250, $150
U1450 $250
Under 1300 Section: $750, $500 $250
U1150 $250 U1000$150 Unr. max. prize $150
Special Prizes
Winners selected from sections as shown. Selected best played games, brilliancies, and opening innovations will be submitted to CL for publication. A complete, accurate game score must be provided.
Upset: Top upset in each round from top 3 sections: 1st $50 & 2nd $25.
U1600 & U1300 1st $25; 2nd & 3rd book prize. Max. 2 prizes per player for all upset prizes.
Best Played Game: $200 $100 $50 from any round from top 3 sections. Submitted games must be annotated for consideration.
Brilliancy: From any round for the top 3 sections, $100 $75 $50 Game score with annotation for several moves leading up to the brilliancy must be submitted.
Best Opening Innovation: $100 $75 $50 from any round for the top 3 sections. Authors must demonstrate the value of the opening innovation vs. current opening practice.
Open, Under 2200, and Under 1900 Schedule
4-Day Schedule [Open, U2200, & U1900 Sections] 40/2 SD/1
On-Site Reg: Wed. 12/26 5 – 9 PM; Thu. 12/27 9:30 – 11 AM for all sections & schedules
Rounds: Thu. 12/27 Rds 1&2 12 Noon & 7:00 PM
12/28 – 12/30 Rds 3-8 10 AM & 5 PM each day
3-Day Schedule G/45 for Rounds 1-3 Merge w/4 day schedule for round 4
On-Site Reg: Friday 12/28 9 – 9:45 AM [May also register at 4 day times.]
Rounds: 1-3 on Friday 12/28 10 AM, 12 Noon, and 3 PM
Under 1600 and Under 1300 Schedule
3-Day Schedule G/120 for Rounds 1-7
On-Site Reg: Friday 12/28 5 – 6:30 PM [May also register during tnmt. after 5 pm on 12/26]
Rounds: Fri. 12/28 Rd. 1 7 PM
Sat. 12/29 Rds. 2-4 9:30 AM, 2 PM, and 7 PM
Sun. 12/30 Rds. 3-7 9:30 AM, 2 PM, and 7 PM
Players can make metro connections after evening rds.
Entry Fees Click here for printable entry form
If postmarked by Dec. 20: Thereafter: $25 more for each EF!
Open Sect. $125; U2200 Sect. $120; U1900 Sect. $110; U1600 & U1300 Sections $100
Re-entries: $100 and limited to rounds 1-3.
GMs: free entry, but $125 deducted from any prize
IMs: $65 advance entry, but $60 deducted from any prize.
Cash, Checks, or Money Orders only at Site. No credit cards accepted.
$10 service charge for refunds.
Make checks or money orders payable to: Eastern Open.
Mail entries by 12/20 to Tom Beckman, 3731 Kanawha St. NW, Washington DC 20015-1809
Top 3 Sections Byes available for any round but rounds 5-8 must commit before round 4.
Round 5-8 byes are not revocable after round 4 start. Limit of 2 byes for class prizes.
U16 & U13 Sections Byes available for any round but rounds 5-7 must commit before round 4. Round 5-7 byes are not revocable after round 4 start. Limit of 2 byes for class prizes.
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Is it a goichy tournament?