The 35th Ikaros International Chess Tournament 2012, Aegean Open Championship 2012, will take place on 7-15th July in Agios Kirykos, Ikaria island, Greece.
Venue: Athletic Center of Agios Kirykos, Ikaria island , Greece.
Dates: 7-15 July 2012.
Playing System: Nine (9) Rounds Swiss. FIDE rules apply.
Rate of play:
Ninety (90) minutes plus 30 seconds per move (from move 1) for the completion of the game for each player. Players that do not show up for their game after one (1) hour from the official start of a round are be forfeited.
1st Round: Saturday 07/7 7.00 p.m.
2nd Round: Sunday 08/7 7.00 p.m.
3rd Round: Monday 09/7 11.00 a.m.
4th Round: Monday 09/7 7.00 p.m.
5th Round: Tuesday 10/7 7.00 p.m.
6th Round: Wednesday 11/7 7.00 p.m.
7th Round: Thursday 12/7 7.00 p.m.
8th Round: Friday 13/7 7.00 p.m.
9th Round: Saturday 14/7 11.00 a.m.
Prize Giving: Sunday 15/7 11.00 a.m.
Tie-breaks: 1. Bucholtz
2. Median Bucholtz
3. Number of wins
4. Sum of progressive scores
The prizes will be € 3000 in total and will be shared as follows:
General Standings: Special Categories:
1st winner € 800 1st Lady € 300
2nd winner € 500 2nd Lady € 160
3rd winner € 200 3rd Lady € 100
4th winner € 160 4th Lady € 60
5th winner € 130 5th Lady € 30
6th winner € 100 1st Veteran € 130
7th winner € 80 2nd Veteran € 80
8th winner € 60 3rd Veteran € 40
9th winner € 40
10th winner € 30
Important Note 1: The female and veteran players, who are eligible for two money-prizes (general standings and special category), receive both prizes, one from the general standings and one from the special category. Cup prizes and medals will be awarded to all winners of the tournament. Medals will also be awarded to the three best juniors and girls in the categories below 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 08 years of age.
Important Note 2: The money-prizes are divided according to the Hort system among the players with the same final score. (With Hort system every player gets first 50% of the prizes according to his rank. The other 50% are distributed uniformly within a scoregroup over the players).
More info here:
Nice tournament.