Final standings M Tyt. Nazwisko Imię Elo R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 Pkt. 1 GM Bartel, Mateusz 2617 20b 1 15c 1 11b = 2c = 3c = 9b 1 4b 1 5c 1 7b...
Mediterranean Flower 2011

Mediterranean Flower 2011Sunday, 20 February 2011 17:38 The 11th WGM tournament “Mediterranean flower 2011” will be held in Rijeka from 26th February to 5th March 2011. As usual, it will be closed round robin tournament with 10-12 players. Accommodation...
Special chess tactic

White to move. How should White proceed? R4rk1/5p1p/6p1/R2N2P1/2n5/p4P2/1n5K/3r4 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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Chess updates on Twitter: You can get all the up to date chess daily news and information on facebook by visiting and click the “like” button! You can also click the “like” button above. Get up to...
Development of Chess in Schools in Tatarstan, Russia

Development of Chess in Schools in Tatarstan, RussiaFriday, 18 February 2011 09:45 Tatarstan Republic, Russia Fantastic news from Ildar Khalikov, Prime Minister of this small Russian Republic (population 3.8 million), about their development of Chess in Schools. The present...
Working visit of the FIDE President to Thailand

Working visit of the FIDE President to ThailandSaturday, 19 February 2011 13:06 FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov has a working visit to Thailand. The other days he met with the leadership of chess federation of the country as well as...