Kasparov y Karpov jugarán un encuentro a 12 partidas en Valencia Servirá para homenajear al ajedrez tal y como es hoy en día porque en Valencia se aportó la pieza de la dama/reina en el siglo XV y por...
FB or MS
Here are some of the numbers from an online poll. FB beats out MS by around 67% to 24%! Which one do you prefer? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Odessa Chess Classic
PERMIAN BASIN CHESS CLUBOdessa Chess ClassicJuly 11 & 12, 2009Odessa, Texas Entry Fee: $30.00 Regular Sections: 1 (open) Time Control: Game/75, Delay/5, Swiss System Unless a clock with time delay is not at all available, all clocks will be...
Donostia European Cultural City 2016
Round 1 results: SNo. Name Rtg Res. Name Rtg SNo. 1 GM Nakamura Hikaru 2710 1-0 GM Karpov Anatoly 2644 10 2 GM Vachier-Lagrave Maxime 2703 1-0 GM Kasimdzhanov Rustam 2672 9 3 GM Svidler Peter 2739 1/2 GM...
MJ memorial LIVE
Watch the entire Michael Jackson memorial right here, live as it happens! Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Carlsen leads at the half in Dortmund
Standings after 5 rounds: Rank – Name – Title – Country – Rating – Score – Performance 1. Carlsen, Magnus g NOR 2772 3½ 2887 2-3. Leko, Peter g HUN 2756 3 2813 2-3. Kramnik, Vladimir g RUS 2759...
I am voting for …
Many people have asked who I will be voting for in the upcoming USCF Executive Board election. At this time, I will vote for the following individuals and I will explain why. 1. International Master Blas Lugo. Why? He...
Corruption and the bankrupt of American chess
Greetings GM Susan Polgar, I am writing you on behalf that your present position and prestige might address the point I am going to relay. I watch as the American chess scene is virtually strangled by Bill Goichberg. If...
4 tie for 1st at Hilversum
Four winners in Hilversum6 July 2009, 20.09 CET By Peter Doggers Final standings of the leaders: Rank Name Score M/F Rating TPR W-We 1 GM Fridman, Daniel 6.5 M 2646 2615 -0.18 2 GM Krasenkow, Michal 6.5 M 2622...