Jan 11 – 13, 2008Iowa FIDE Swiss InvitationalTD: Roger W Gotschall 6SS, Game/90 w/30 sec increment. Open to any Iowan with USCF 2000+ or any FIDE rated player.Where: at the Memorial Union, Iowa State University campus, Ames, IA 50011Reg:...
A tough brain challenge

Mattison 1927 White to move and win! Level of difficulty: Difficult Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
17th Mid-Winter Classic

17th Mid-Winter ClassicSponsoring U.S.C.F. Affiliate:Western Massachusetts Chess Association SUNDAY, JANUARY 20th, 2008 FLORENCE CIVIC CENTER Route 9, Northampton, MA (take Cosmian Avenue to the civic center parking lot) PRIZE FUND $560 (based on 30 entries – thats 75% of...
US members breakdown state by state

Statistic as of December 31, 2007 Alabama 745 – Indiana 1715 – Nevada 884 – Texas 7748Alaska 134 – Iowa 640 – New Hampshire 436 – Utah 489Arizona 2442 – Kansas 569 – New Jersey 3183 – Vermont 202Arkansas...
A look back at Bobby Fischer

On This Day in History: January 2Brooklynite is World Chess Championby Brooklyn Eagle MANHATTAN — In Manhattan on January 2, 1960, 16-year-old (Robert James) “Bobby” Fischer won one of his eight U.S. Chess Championship tournaments. Bobby was born in...
Chess nuts

During an adjournment at a past Karpov-Kasparov world championships, the chess masters returned to their hotel for a break.In the lobby of the hotel several chess enthusiasts could be heard bragging. “I could beat Karpov easily”. “Forget it, I...
Chess tactic

White to move. What is the best continuation for White?1Q6/N1rk1p1r/4pP2/3pP3/3pq1p1/Pn5p/1PP4R/1K1R4 w – – 0 4 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
New Year Q & A

4. Who is the favorite in the Anand – Kramnik match? Cecil (New Orleans, Louisiana) This is a tough match to call. Kramnik is known for his tough match play. When asked which format he would prefer, Kramnik said...