Svidler, Gelfand, Grischuk and Karjakin advanced to face Ivanchuk, Radjabov, Inarkiev and Jakovenko. Svidler 2-0 ShabalovGelfand 1.5-.5 NajerGrischuk 1-1 Karpov (Grischuk won blitz tie break 1.5-.5)Karjakin 2-0 J. Polgar GM Svidler (2763) – GM Shabalov (2622) [C03]05.01.20081.e4 e6 2.d4...
Queen and Pawn

White to move. Is this a win or draw for White? 6Q1/7P/8/1k6/3q2K1/8/8/8 w – – 0 6 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Ivanov surged

Ivanov takes Eastern againBy David R. SandsJanuary 5, 2008 Massachusetts GM Alexander Ivanov last week extended his remarkable run in the Eastern Open, winning the 34th running of the D.C. event outright with a 7-1 score. Ivanov, who by...
Saturday Open Forum

It’s Saturday Open Forum. The forum is yours. What would you like to discuss? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Anna Rudolf scores IM norm

Vandoeuvre Openreport by Marie Boyarchenko The 4th edition of the Vandoeuvre Open took place from 26 to 30 December 2007 in a small French town situated in the Lorraine and attracted with its’ exceptional game conditions and a friendly...
New GMs in Sioux Falls

Champions of chess to share their passionCouple hope to launch scholastic, club programBy Steve Youngsyoung@argusleader.comPUBLISHED: January 5, 2008 A pair of chess grandmasters have landed on Sioux Falls’ doorstep, hoping to transform the chess-playing landscape in this region with...
The other Bulgarian star

A Mighty BulgarianChessBy BORIS GULKO and GABRIEL SCHOENFELDJanuary 4, 2008NY Sun Five of the eight grandmasters who made it into the quarterfinals of the World Cup were younger than 20. The least well-known of them was Ivan Cheparinov of...
Friday night brain teaser

White to move. Is this a win or draw for White?k7/Bp1p4/1P6/6p1/8/K5p1/6P1/8 w – – 0 0 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Mamedov leads Hastings with 1 to go

After 8 rounds, GM Mamedov has the sole lead, followed by GMs Chatalbashev, Malakhatko and Pavlovic. 1 MAMEDOV, Nidjat 2565 (6½)2-4 CHATALBASHEV, Bor 2581, MALAKHATKO, Vadim 2596, PAVLOVIC, Milos 2536 (6) Official website: Chess Daily News from Susan...
White and Red

Only pawns in their game? Steven Poole cautions against Daniel Johnson’s cartoon view of Soviet grandmasters as mere political agents in White King and Red Queen Saturday January 5, 2008The Guardian White King and Red Queen: How the Cold...