2nd ACP World Rapid CupOdessa, Ukraine Round 1 Day 1 (Jan 4, 2008) Eljanov, Pavel 0.5-1.5 Ivanchuk, VassilyRadjabov, Teimour 1.5-0.5 Drozdovskij, YuriShirov, Alexei 0.5-1.5 Inarkiev, ErnestoSavchenko, Boris 0-2 Jakovenko,Dmitry World Cup Finalist Alexei Shirov was eliminated by GM Inarkiev....
General Trivia

This was sent in by John DunajcikDo you know the name of this bridge and where it is located? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Difficult endgame

White to move and win! 4b3/7P/8/4P3/8/B7/5Krk/8 w – – 0 2 Level of difficulty: Difficult Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Important Correspondence Chess News

1st ICCF Veterans World Cupby Ralph Marconi The Czech CCA has announced that they will be organizing the 1st ICCF Veterans World Cup, a new ICCF event approved by the 2007 ICCF Congress. This inaugural event will be in...
Chess in 2007 and 2008 by IM Notkin

Chess in 2007 and 2008by IM Max Notkinhttp://www.chesstoday.net/ (A fantastic daily chess newsletter which has tons of features. Subscription information can be found on the website. Check it out!) The passed year was full of interesting and significant events....
3 tie for 1st at Pamplona Open

131 players competed in the Pamplona Open in Spain Here are the final standings: 1-3. 7 GM Granda Zuniga (PER, 2592), GM San Segundo (ESP, 2536), IM Salgado Lopez (ESP, 2460) 7.54-5. GM Li Chao (CHN, 2553), FM Huerga...
6 tie for the lead at Rilton Cup

Rilton Cup in Stockholm, Sweden This event is taking place from December 27 to January 5, 2008 Standings after 7 rounds: 1-6. GMs Wojtaszek, Cramling, Agrest, Kotronias, S. Ivanov, IM D. Berczes 5½. There are 84 players participating. Here...
Super event in Odessa

2nd ACP World Rapid Cup in Odessa, UkraineJanuary 4-7, 2008. 16 players are taking part in this event: Peter SvidlerAlexei ShirovVassily IvanchukPeter LekoTeimour RadjabovSergey KarjakinBoris GelfandDmitry JakovenkoPavel EljanovErnesto InarkievEvgeny NajerAlexander ShabalovBoris SavchenkoAnatoly Karpov (Wild card)Judit Polgar (Wild card)Yuri Drozdovskij...
Checkmate in 9

White to move and checkmate in 9 (at most)! 1n3bkr/3r2pp/1q2p3/1p1BQ1B1/6p1/2R5/p2K4/5R2 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Over $100,000 in scholarships and chess prizes!

2008 Susan Polgar Trifecta EventsJanuary 18-20, 2008www.PolgarEvents.com State of the art laptop computers (Sony, Compaq and Acer) to the winner of each section! 9 laptops total! Location:St. Joseph Academy101 Saint Joseph DriveBrownsville, Texas 78520-0785 Click MAP for directions. Hotels:Holiday...