White to move. What is the best continuation for White? Which side is better? 8/8/7p/2p5/2P1K3/1kP1P3/8/8 w – – 0 0 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Drama in Gibraltar

Position after the devastating 44.Bxa6! After performing over 3000 after 8 rounds, Bu overlooked a brilliant tactic and lost to Efimenko. They are now tied for first with 7.5 points with Victor Bologan, GN Gopal, Hikaru Nakamura, and Ni...
Tournament experience doesn’t matter?

Foolish Book Review: “Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance”By Anders BylundJanuary 30, 2008 Maybe you’re already a great stock picker, or perhaps you’re just starting to wet your toes in the financial markets. Either way, there’s always room...
Nakamura back on track in Gibraltar

Position after 42…Rxh5GM Petrosian (2606) – GM Nakamura (2670) [B02]30.01.2008 1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.g3 d6 4.exd6 Qxd6 5.Bg2 Nc6 6.Nc3 Nxc3 7.bxc3 e5 8.d3 Be7 9.Ne2 Be6 10.c4 Qd7 11.Rb1 0–0–0 12.0–0 Bh3 13.Bh1 Bxf1 14.Qxf1 f5 15.Nc3...
Interactive Chess TV

Photo and report by Frits Agterdenbos of http://www.chessvista.com/ DGT and UEP in Interactive Chess TV30.01.2008 While Anand and Kramnik were playing their last serious game (Corus Chess 2008, round 13 on Sunday 27 January) before the World Chess Championship...
Can the impossible be possible?

White to move. Can White win this? k6b/p7/5p2/8/8/5N2/4B3/6K1 w – – 0 0 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Defeating a Petrosian

Stefanova hits her strideBy Malcolm PeinLast Updated: 12:01am GMT 30/01/2008 The Gibtelecom Masters at Gibraltar’s Caleta Hotel has a significant portion of the prize fund set aside for a Women’s event and former Women’s World Champion Antoaneta Stefanova was...
Texas Tech Knight Raiders recognized

AUSTIN – Texas Tech men’s basketball coach Bob Knight, who recently earned his 900th victory when the Red Raiders defeated archrival Texas A&M, is well-known for being the winningest head coach in NCAA Division I men’s basketball history. Knight,...
3022 performance!

This is a picture of GM Bu Xiangzhi vs. GM Victor Bologan from round 8 of the Gibtelecom Masters (photo taken by Manuel Weeks). Bu Xiangzhi won this game to extend his winning sequence to five games and reach...
Tricky endgame

White to move. How should White proceed? Is this a win, draw or loss or White?8/2Rp4/2p1Pr2/1k6/3K1p2/8/3P4/8 w – – 0 1 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar