The 2008 Fantasy Chess Competition, run by Chess Life Online, is now open for registration. Contestants enter 7-player teams (that must have a rating average of 2555 or below) from the Frank Berry U.S. Championship roster, and compete for prizes such as Monroi PCMs and extensions to their USCF memberships. Read the complete rules here: The contest makes watching the action very exciting for spectators, and we hope to get as many entries as possible. The U.S. Championship begins at 3:30 EST on May 13, so all entries must be received before then. Any help you can provide in linking to the rules page for Fantasy 08: and the login page: would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance for any links!
Best wishes,
Jennifer Shahade
This is too confusing. How do you play this?
I agree, there should have been 2 different competions, onw for women and one for men
Tommy’s 9th Birthday!