Can you name these 5 top female players? This was sent to me by Jean Michel Rapaire, President CEMC. I will post the story about this picture after the trivia is done 🙂 Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Defensive Chess Tactic
Black to move. What is the best move for Black? What is the best plan for Black? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Chess in the schools in Castlemaine
These are our friends from Castlemaine program in Australia. They are here at the International Chess Conference in Aberdeen, Scotland. Talk about commitment to chess and education to fly half way around the globe to attend! A numeracy initiative...
The special JR medal
This is the Jonathan Rowson medal, created by the city of Aberdeen for the young players who qualify. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
GM Jonathan Rowson award
GM Jonathan Rowson (in the brown suit) is a 3-time British Champion and a native of Aberdeen. He was honored tonight by the Lord Provost of Aberdeen. They city also created the Jonathan Rowson Award for all children in...
The Mayor and City Council support chess
David Leslie (dark suit), organizer of the International Chess Conference in Aberdeen, and Lord Provost (equivalent to Mayor) of Aberdeen in a chess reception at the city hall. They fully support chess and education in the schools. Chess Daily...
Aberdeen University hosts international chess conference
This is 3-time British Champion GM Jonathan Rowson, his wife and Dr. Redman from UTD CHESS PLAYERS TO CHECK IN12:00 – 30 August 2007 Chess players are gathering in Aberdeen for an international conference. Some of the world’s greatest...
Find the best move
It is White to move. The White Knight is being attacked. The Knight has 7 squares to move to and White can also play Bxh3. Which would be White’s best move? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Here is another view of some of the participants and speakers of the CISCCON conference. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Take a chance or play safe?
White to move. Players are often at a dilemma about if they should play aggressively or to play safe. Which one is correct in this situation? How should White proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar