Black to move. What is the best move for Black here? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
America’s newest Grandmaster
I just received an email from GM-elect Renier Gonzalez of Miami stating that he did meet all the requirements (norms and rating) to become USA’s newest GM! This is great news! I have forwarded his information to the USCF...
Historic chess event at Texas Tech University
SPICE and the Susan Polgar Foundation (SPF) are pleased to announce a historic chess event which will take place in the fall at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. Texas Tech will be hosting the prestigious Reshevsky Memorial International...
Forgotten American
I just got the following notification from GARAGEBAND.COM: “As a result of some very enthusiastic reviews from members, “Forgotten American” will be Track of the Day at For 24 hours on Sunday, the 2nd of September, 2007...
Young GM Popov wins Vladimir Open
The Vladimir Open concluded on August 24 in the city of Vladimir, Russia. Russian under 20 champion GM Ivan Popov (2524) captured the title with the score of 8 points in 10 rounds. Here are some of the top...
Grischuk wins powerful Moscow Blitz Championship
Moscow Blitz Championship This yearly event usually brings many well-known GMs together in an extremely strong blitz tournament. This year’s championship, which took place on August 26, was no exception. Alexander Grischuk (2726) became the sole victor with a...
£65,000 chess scholarship
Millfield heads the packBy Malcolm PeinLast Updated: 12:01am BST 27/08/2007 There was a double success for Millfield School as pupils Peter Poobalasingam and Sarah Hegarty took the plaudits at the Tera Final, the climax to the British Land UK...
The most colorful WC ever?
Who is the most colorful World Champion ever? – Fischer– Kasparov– Spassky– Another choice? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Over $100,000 in prizes and scholarships!
2008 Susan Polgar Trifecta Events (Scholastic, Adult and International) Friday, Saturday and Sunday, January 18-20, 2008 Saint Joseph High School101 Saint Joseph DriveBrownsville, Texas 78520-0785 Hotels:Holiday Inn 3777 North Expressway Brownsville, TX 78520 Ask for “chess rate” of $59.00...
Finding the right continuation
White to move. Can White hold this game? How should White proceed? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar