Picture courtesy of Frédéric et Charlotte (http://pokemonchess.blogspot.com/) 1. Maxime Vachier Lagrave 2595 elo2. Vlad Tkachiev 2655 elo3. Andrei Sokolov 2582 elo Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
The rising stars win again
The rising stars defeated the experienced GM again. Today’s score is once again 3-2. Saturday August 25 – Round 4 Cheparinov – Beliavsky 1/2 – 1/2Karjakin – Nikolic 1 – 0Negi – Khalifman 1/2 – 1/2Smeets – Jussupow 0...
Simutowe leads Euwe Stimulans with 1 to go
Photo from US Chess LeagueIM Amon Simutowe is leading the EUWE Stimulans with the score of 7 out of 8 with 6 wins and only 2 draws! The other magnificent result comes from the legendary Nona Gaprindashvili. She is...
Saturday Open Forum
It is Saturday Open Forum! The Chinese team is playing a match against the Russians. The rising stars are facing against the legends. The US just got 2 new GMs: Bhat and Gonzalez. The World Championship in Mexico City...
More pictures have been added
I just added a few dozen more pictures on the Budapest blog: http://www.budapestchess.blogspot.com/ Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Chess Trivia
This was sent by Phil from Europe. Can you name these 4 female chess players? Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
China defeated Russia in 5th match
The 4th China vs Russia Chess Match is taking place between August 18 and 31, 2007 in Nizhniy Novgorog, Russia. Here are the results of round 5 (August 24, 2007) Tairova, E. – Zhao Xue 0-1Kovalevskaya, E. – Shen...
An amazing coincidence – Part 2
This position took place also on move 36 between Sasikiran and Shirov shortly after the Ivanchuk – Aronian game. Sasikiran said he remembered the analysis of the Ivanchuk – Aronian game where 36.Ba6!! would be the winning move. So...
An amazing coincidence
White to move and it is move 36. White is Ivanchuk and Black is Aronian. How should White proceed? Ivanchuk missed the win and the game ended in a draw. Once you are able to find the right solution,...