10 Things Kids Love to Do with a Set of Blocks Wooden blocks have been a part of children’s playthings for a long time. The common standard today is the set of blocks with letters engraved on one side...
Raising talented kids
Opinion: Is Your Child a Prodigy? Great, Now Leave Her Aloneby Gary DrevitchAug 19th 2010 3:00PM A parade of youngsters have made headlines, and gained huge followings, in recent weeks for their supposedly precocious talents. Who are some of...
Kids’ moral lesson
Award-winning children’s author makes children into authors10/24/2007By Meadow Rue Merrill, Times Record Contributor BRUNSWICK — Folks who write books — or struggle to — often wrestle over such complexities as plot, character and climax for beleaguering months or years...
No rush to grow up
13-year-old in no rush to grow up Some kids just can’t wait to be older. Don’t count Ashley Roth among them. As Sunday night rolled over into this morning, Ashley reached a milestone coveted by so many children —...
Meeting thousands of chess players
In the next few days, I will have a chance to meet over a thousand young chess players and countless chess supporters. It is very exciting! I will post about it shortly. This is one of the greatest things...
Laugh all you want at the chess club kids
Chess club still safe from geese Laugh all you want at the chess club kids — at least they don’t have to worry about goose droppings while check-mating an opponent. I was in the chess club. Dennis Junior High...
Chess is brain food for kids
Special thanks to Dr. Alexey Root of UTD for bringing these links to us Daa Mahowald is one of our presenters at the Texas Chess Association Chess in Education workshop coming up on March 17th. The link for workshop...
Getting more kids into chess
Tommy making his moves at the Ramirez School in Lubbock, Texas. Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar