Last round against IM Almeida from Mexico
I was very depressed earlier today because of the USCF delegates meeting. Too many people felt that Mr. Sloan should serve on the board even with his completely inappropriate behavior toward women and minors.
The best antidote for my sadness was to play some chess so I was the last one to enter the 2006 US Open Blitz right at the deadline.
I did not play very well early on but I did OK at the end to make up ground. I finished with the score of 12.5 – 1.5 to win the event by 2 points. I finished 2nd in the 2002 US Open Blitz behind GM Blatny. I won it in 2003 (in a field of 7 GMs), 2005 and 2006. I did not play in 2004.
After the tournament has ended, a number of delegates came to me to let me know the good news. They passed the motion by a winning margin of 1 vote regarding convicted felons (45-22). I am not sure of the details but I was told that convicted felons must disclose it.
Thats nice, but what about bad guys who arent convicted? (seriously)
Aloha Susan,
This a step in the right direction now and in the future will make a difference. Change I learn requires small steps sometimes since people do not like changing things. We’ll see how it goes!
I know I was at our own board meeting last night and its tough to make changes, but those willing to speakout and be doer’s such as yourself make the difference! So Mahalo for all you do!
Susan you are amazing! You enter an event you werent even going to play, and without any preparation at the last minute you crush the field LOL! Great job Susan!!
I dont know what andrew morrow is talking about. but for me. I would find a way to not hold any tournaments under the uscf for the next year. you can hold tournaments that are not officially rated by USCF.
I would not take my girls into a situation with sam sloan on the board of directors of uscf.
Just my feelings at this time.
Andrew Morrow, why are you and Sam Sloan amused by the thought of adults performing cunnilingus upon girls under ten years old?
(section “Yoo-Hoo!”, 3/31/06 version)
for authorship, see
Why does Sloan have a thing for Pokémon porn, and set up the pages in a manner likely to bring children to his site? (age of characters? do the math)
And this unresolved matter:
Why not get Sloan to respond himself? He’s been seated, so he is now free to speak about such matters.
Bill Brock, Chicago
here is how I see this susan.
you are being asked to show the girls how to act in a difficult situation. you need to show that the uscf is not a safe place to enter and therefore you do not enter there until they present a safe place to enter.
to me it is the same as a woman in an abusive marriage. she returns to the home and the abuse. you need to show that your happiness does not depend on the uscf. that you will not enter into a place that might abuse you and the girls. it is not a safe place and you need to show by example to stay away.
if you lead children into an unsafe situation you are implying that abused women happiness is dependent on the abusive husband. you imply that you have no other choice. but you do have a choice. you can choose to not go back. you can make it on your own.
Susan you are much bigger and much better than the uscf. you do not need them. your happiness does not depend on being abused by the uscf.
susan once you leave uscf you will be free to do whatever you choose in life. no longer will your happiness be dependant on them.
You must show your girls by example what is the correct choice. you can not tell them one thing and you do another.
Everyone who loves you will support you. those who do not love you are not worth even thinking about. obviously sam sloan and the uscf do not love you. they abuse you.
You must stand up and chose to love yourself. to show the girls how they must act to love themselves. it is not an act of self love to return to abuse. it is an act of self love to declare independence and love for oneself.
show the world that you can chose to love yourself by surrounding yourself with people who love you. and walking away from those who do not love you.
this is a decison of huge inner growth for you. I hope you can chose to grow. I hope you can show everyone the correct decison of self love. love can never abuse. and abuse can never love.
Your choice is simple. you show the world and all the girls that you chose abuse or you chose love.
Your path will be much easier if you tell yourself 100 times a day that you are chosing love. You are chosing to surround yourself with those who love you. and telling all the others. “You can not come into my home and abuse me. You are not welcome in my life.”
After going through a difficult transition you will be transformed into happiness beyond what you have ever experienced before. Every person who walks this earth has to go through this difficult transition. You are not alone. I have been there and I know the transition is difficult but incredibly wonderful on the other side.
Peace and Spiritual Love
Your brother in ONEness
OK, Andrew Morrow, let’s talk about some more reality. Noncustodial–hmm–or not, you’re a parent, right? As a parent, kindly comment on Sam Sloan’s conduct: (click on 2/19/2005 version)
Note that the file name of photo (1st row, fifth from left, is burmese2.jpg)
Bill Brock, Chicago
To the innocent reader: sorry to be posting this unpleasantness here. But it’s simply not enough to assert Sloan’s depravity: evidence is required.
I’ve left USCF. It’s my hope (and Susan’s, too) that USCF can get its act together soon.
But if not, we’ll need alternatives. Susan can be instrumental in this process.
signing the 9:29:13
Bill Brock, Chicago
Don’t hide under the Resolute Desk, Andrew Morrow…respond to the questions.
Why were you amused by the thought of the child molester Jefferson Poland together with Jimbo Wales’s daughter?
Why did you want to meet Jefferson Poland who (like Sloan) molests young girls?
Bill Brock, Chicago
Comment left by Mr. Morrow at
Begin quoted passage
G. Allen Dale works here…
38.89306 N 77.02028 W
He sprung from jail, damn him.
Note to self: remember to pick up a from the local national armory and drop it off with Allen the next time I go shopping.
Hm… I wonder if former Aircraft Armaments Specialist Shamema Honzagool Sloan can lend me one of those, you know, just for an afternoon spin. I will have to stop by her house sometime soon with a good excuse… Maybe to borrow a cup of sugar and one of those honeys.
Note to self: remember to get her to instruct me in how to DISARM the damn thing in case I need to abort.
End quoted passage
I will refrain from the obvious conclusions.
Bill Brock, Chicago
every word you say sounds like the abusive husband trying to lure the wife back into the home again.
Andrew Morrow said…
Boycott…schism… Sigh. They are options, but I still do not see what you accomplish.
Looks Susan, Sam is a fact of life. You have got to engage in dialog. Try this: just, on a regular basis, ask him for his schedule (nothing more) and work around him. Keep your kids away from him. Keep your friends away from him.
I recognize that you have taken a virtuous stand, but now is the time to be practical about this. Play to your strength. Use your head. Evalute the danger that Sloan presents like a real law officer would (he is not in jail, is he?). Protect your best interests and protect your faction and protect the USCF. Protect the USCF both from schism and from danger. Find that balance. That is what real leadership is all about.
Saturday, August 12, 2006 9:00:48 PM
every word you write is wrong andrew. it is all the tricks of the mind. the tricks that keep someone in the abuse.
Leadership is breaking lose. Leadership is Loving oneself.
Leadership is showing by example.
Leadership is being your own person.
Leadership is being the person who you are. Loving yourself and KNOWING that your choices that come from within you are the Correct choices.
Leadership is knowing that the choices that come from another person like you andrew are always the wrong choice.
Leadership is not following the logic of another person.
Leadership is always chosing one’s inner heart and inner love.
Susan has a personality. Her personality knows what to do. Her personality has cried out what to do. now it has to chose that difficult choice. but it is the right choice. Susan is a leader. her inner self is the leader.
Susan happiness does not depend on another person like andrew. and it does not depend on another organization like uscf. her happiness depends on knowing that she is wonderful just the way she is. that her inner self gives all the correct answers.
her inner self is crying out what to do. it is a difficult choice. but I know she will be successful if she chooses her heart.
her heart tells her to chose LOVE.
Your logical reasoning can never chose to love because love is not a function of the intellect. the intellect can not chose love because it does not know what love is. the heart knows love. it always choses love. the conflict is always between the reasoning powers of the intellect and the love that is inside of each and everyone of us.
your presentation andrew is all intellect. therefore it is totally wrong and does not even have to be thought about.
I know love is always the correct answer because I have experienced it.
how does one chose love when the mind is screaming intellect with every fiber of being. One does it by not listening to ones own mind. one does it by just chosing love against all the ideas of the mind. one just decides to love. there is no way else to do it.
the very essence of who you are susan is LOVE. you are love. that is why there is something inside of you that wants to chose love. when you chose love you break out of the jail that the ideas of your intellect have you inside of. Love has to be the answer because you are love. you are chosing to be who you are. you are chosing to be love.
great news ! its about time perverts and felons are kept away from chess !
Sorry folks, Mr. Sloan and Mr. Morrow are not welcome to post on this site. I will delete all their posts.
Best wishes,
Susan Polgar
Andrew, I ask that you do not post on my blog anymore. Please respect my request.
Susan Polgar
probably best to delete my posts re Morrow as well….
So what’s going on in Shulman-Shabalov?
With all due respect: request granted.
I have a suggestion that may seem a bit radical, but over time I think it’s pretty much the only way to address the ongoing issues with both USCF and FIDE systems. The problem is both are a monopoly, so recourse from even a person as powerful in the chess community as Susan or Bessel Kok is very limited. What we need is compettion. Competition is the way you keep people and organizations honest.
So where do we find viable competition for the entrenched bureascracies without spending buckets of money that none of us have? The chess servers!! There are multitudes of people playing online on ICC, Playchess, FICS, ChessOK and others. These even have their own tournaments. The only reason these don’t have credibility today is they don’t have a standardized rating system with titles that are credible. When it comes down to the bottom line, what keeps USCF and FIDE going is their rating system and title system.
I suggest somebody (Susan??) get together with some of the top chess server owners, along with someone like Jeff Sonas (who has credibility in the rating world) and develop a sanctioned rating and title system that can be applied universally to the online chess world.
This can actually become a solid and respected set of titles (Online Grandmaster?, Online Master?) if the rating system is solid enough and enforced well enough so that someone with an Online Grandmaster title incurs a similar amount of respect as a FIDE GM.
Once that happens there’s a viable alternative to the USCF and FIDE, so they’ll either have to clean up their act or become irrelevant. The online world will never replace OTB tournaments, but they can certainly become a solid alternative that will do a lot to improve both sides.
Felicitations on winning the blitz tournament so convincingly. Is there any chance we can see the games or the crosstable of who played? You are amazing and I am so sorry you have to be dealing with so much adversity at the moment. This is such a dark episode in USCF history and FIDE too. Let us hope good hearted souls prevail in both arenas for the good of chess, a game we all love so much. I know you will do what is practically the best for your efforts in chess and stand by you. This will be your greatest game ever played with best possible outcome for your chess children everywhere.
Sloan’s election came from a broken electoral process that didn’t allow a serious contest where the candidates and voters were allowed to discuss the issues as is supposed to happen in healthy politics. Most voters had no information other than the self-serving “Candidates statements” published in Chess Life. Sloan is a good writer and he wrote a good statement that fooled a lot of uninformed voters, so he got elected. The problem is not that Sloan is a felon (he’d still be the same problematic board member and candidate if his conviction hadn’t happened) but with the insufficient political dialog between USCF members. The one-way communications model of CL doesn’t fit in with the relatively new OMOV system. The solution is better communications, such as internet-based discussions between voters.
Ms. Polgar is a censor at her blogspot. She deletes any opinions that she does not agree with. Hehe ..