These are the players who are taking part in the 2006 Montreal International Empresa:
Group A:
Mikhalevski – Ibragimov – Onischuk – Miton – Korneev – Timofeev – Eljanov – Gulko – Charbonneau – Sutovsky
Group B:
Krush – Likavsky – Noritsyn – Krnan – Barbeau – Huzman – Arencibia – Mitkov – Roussel -Lawson
Games from this event, the US Open, the Polgar and Denker event can be viewed LIVE here at the Mon Roi site.
Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
Check out this game (piece sac on move 11) (.pgn squished a little due to wrapping in this blog comment form):
[Event “Montreal International
Tournament Empresa 2006″]
[Site “Montreal”]
[Date “2006.08.08”]
[Round “1”]
[White “Roussel Roozmon, Thomas”]
[Black “Lawson, Eric”]
[Result “1-0”]
[WhiteELO “2430”]
[WhiteTitle “M”]
[BlackELO “2393”]
[BlackTitle “M”]
[Source “MonRoi”]
1.Nf3 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.Nc3 d6 4.g3 b6
5.Bg2 Bb7 6.O-O a6 7.Re1 e6 8.e4 Nbd7
9.d4 cxd4 10.Nxd4 Qc7 11.Nd5 exd5
12.exd5 Kd8 13.Nc6 Bxc6 14.dxc6 Nc5
15.b4 Ne6 16.c5 Be7 17.cxb6 Qxb6
18.Be3 Qc7 19.a4 Rb8 20.b5 axb5
21.axb5 Rxb5 22.Ra8 Rb8 23.Ra7 Qc8
24.Bf4 Ke8 25.c7 Rb4 26.Bc6 Kf8
27.Ra8 Qxa8 28.Bxa8 Rc4 29.Bxd6 Ne8
30.Bxe7 Kxe7 31.Qd8 Kf8 32.c8Q 1-0