Photo by erral

When I asked Magnus how he likes traveling with his Dad, he said it is great. It gives him a feeling of being secure and he helps him with food and everything else he may need help with during a trip. At the same time they both have privacy in having separate rooms during a tournament.

I spoke to Magnus’ father in the press room today, (where he was following the games of the event) and he told me how independent his son is. Since he was young, he always liked to make his own decisions about things. Today even though they do discuss various issues, the final decision always belongs to Magnus.

It is great to see such a close relationship between father and son, with mutual respect! I really do like both of them, very nice and down to earth people!

I also asked Magnus if he agreed with my commentary that the critical moment of the game was when instead of 17.Nc4, Aronian chose 17.Rab1?!. He agreed and commented that Black was ok then too after 17.Nc4 Rxe2 18.Qd3 Ba6 19.Qxe2 and 19…d5.

Aronian felt that he had a big advantage after the opening, but then chose the worst possible continuation.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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