Chessdom Chess Arena, the brand new free online chess platform, is gaining speed every day. Despite being in early beta, with very limited functionality, Chess Arena presents multiple nice features to the users. One of the favorite aspects is the Master Challenge where all players have a chance to play against IMs, WGMs, and GMs.

So far in the Master Challenge have played GM Tamir Nabaty, GM Avetik Grigoryan, GM Alexander Ipatov, GM elect Petar Arnaudov, IM Spas Kozhuharov, IM Aman Hambleton, WGM Iva Videnova, and IM Veselin Pantev. All of them share a general feeling that Chess Arena is currently the platform with strongest players online, the average ELO estimated of well over 2000.

Today is a Double Master Challenge day. In 4 consecutive hours titled IM and GM will play against all active Arena players.

In order to participate join here, it is free!

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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