Final round result:

Rensch 0-1 Smith
Ippolito 1/2 Yang
Antal 1-0 Kuljasevic
Bykhovsky 1/2 Diamant
Finegold 0-1 Krush

Final standings:

Yang earns 2nd IM norm while GM-elect Antal earns his 4th GM norm.

1-2. GM Bykhovsky (Texas Tech Knight Raider), GM-elect Antal (Texas Tech Knight Raider) 6.0 points
3. IM Smith 5.5
4-5. GM Kuljasevic (Texas Tech Knight Raider), IM Ippolito 5.0
6. FM Yang 4.5
7. GM Diamant (Texas Tech Knight Raider) 4.0
8. IM Krush 3.5
9. GM Finegold 3.0
10. IM Rensch 2.5

Here is the link to pictures from the second half of the SPICE Cup 2010.

Here is the link to 178 pictures from the 2010 SPICE Cup Blitz Championship.

Here is the link to over 430 pictures from the SPICE Cup 2010.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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