As we were in the “White car” on the way to the tournament hall today, Aronian and Topalov had vivid discussions about politics, soccer and the Eurovision contest. Magnus was more focused on his upcoming game. He did join in from time to time, especially when it came to soccer. Coincidentally, all three won today.

The daily side events attract many players from around Spain and from all over the world (even as far as Brazil). There are over 1,000 Euros in prizes daily, with 300 Euros going to the winner.

By the way, I am very impressed with Radjabov. Even in his relatively young age, he is professional and always very considerate to Mr. Leontxo Garcia and me. He always paused to give us time to translate to Spanish.

Aronian said that normally Ivanchuk is a hard opponent for him. After the opening, he thought the game was likely to end in a draw. But then Ivanchuk made some big mistakes (the last one 53…Nd3) which allowed him to win.

Topalov hit a “home run” based on his home preparation. But he acknowledged that he needs to thank Spanish GM Paco Vallejo Pons for the novelty he used.

I had a very nice nostalgic dinner and memorable conversation with my “old friend” Boris Spassky, who just arrived to Bilbao tonight to take over the commentary for me in the second half of the tournament.

We remember a lot of stories about our late friend Bobby Fischer. Boris is in the process of writing his memoir about Bobby. He even showed me a number of their pictures from private meetings…but not to expect it to be published in his lifetime.

Boris also told me about his theory regarding Alekhine. He believes that Alekhine did not die by natural causes, but “was helped” to leave us quicker than his time.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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