Topalov: ‘This match is going to be very tough’

12.02.2009 – It starts next Monday, the special Candidates Match between Veselin Topalov and Gata Kamsky in Sofia. The Topalov team has already taken residence in the Bulgarian capital, Kamsky and his helpers arrive today. Topalov, a Bulgarian who lives in Spain, enjoys the home field advantage – theoretically. There are, as he stresses, also disadvantages. Interview with Dagobert Kohlmeyer.

“This match is going to be very tough”

Interview with Veselin Topalov on his upcoming match against Gata Kamsky

By Dagobert Kohlmeyer

Monday, February 16 is the start of the World Championship Candidates Final between Veselin Topalov and Gata Kamsky, to be held in Sofia, Bulgaria. Former World Champion Veselin Topalov, who is a native of Bulgaria (but lives mainly in Spain) and US grandmaster Gata Kamsky, originally from Novokuznetsk in Russia – he is from a Tatar family and was originally called Gataulla (Gata) Kamskiy – will play an eight-game match. The prize fund is US $250,000, and winner is scheduled to challenge World Champion Viswanathan Anand later this year.

The Topalov team has been in Sofia for a week now, while Gata Kamsky and his team will arrive in the Bulgarian capital today (Thursday, February 12th). The former have taken residence in the five star Kempinski Zografski hotel, while the Kamsky team will be in the five start Hilton just across the street from the venue, the 6th Hall of the National Palace of Culture.

Here is the interview.

Who will win the Topalov – Kamsky match?

V. Topalov
G. Kamsky

Click here to vote.

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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