Photo by Peter Surowski

Temecula boy checkmates western states
By Peter Surowski
6/8/2007 7:47:00 PM

Nobody wants to play chess with Aaron Householder in his kindergarten chess club. He doesn’t have a problem making friends; he’s quite popular. The problem is that nobody can beat him.

In fact, he’s on a winning streak. Last January, Aaron won his first trophy at a San Diego regional tournament. He took first place out of the kindergarten class; he ran undefeated. Then, in March, he entered the state tournament and won first place out of both kindergarteners and first-graders. He was, again, the only entrant to win undefeated.

His crowning achievement came May 6, when he won first place in the USCF Western States championship in Ventura. He was, once again, the only entrant in any age category to win undefeated.

His trophy stands a foot taller than does he, but luckily his parents, Scott and Ingred Householder, were there to help him off the stage. “I thought I would win,” said Aaron, adding that he felt calm at the tournament.

Here is the full story.

Last night, Aaron and his brother were the last two to register for the Susan Polgar World Chess Challenge for Boys for the under 8 section.

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