Howell pockets a title treble at Torquay
Monday, August 10, 2009, 11:15

AFTER a gruelling two weeks, the British Chess Championships have at last come to a close with Grand Master David Howell winning not only the British Championship but also the British Under-21 and Under-18 Championships for 2009.

He was also the recipient of the winner’s cheque for £5,000 and, after the prize giving ceremony at the Riviera Centre, had to make a hasty dash to London to take part in another major tournament starting at 2.15pm!

In his final game, Howell played Paignton’s Gary Lane and agreed a draw in not too many moves, giving him a clear win over all his other opponents.

Lane, with 6.5 points, had a good tournament as did Jack Rudd (Barnstaple) who beat James Cobb in his final match and finished on six points.

Dominic Mackle (Newton Abbot) certainly deserved his inclusion in such an elite band of players and, although he lost his last game, nevertheless finished on a very respectable four points.

The British and English Ladies Champion was International Master (or should that be mistress?) Jovanka Houska who finished on six points.

Cornwall’s sole entry, Andrew Greet, also had an excellent tournament and finished with 6.5 points.

Here is the full article.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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