So continues rise to stardom (The Philippine Star)
Updated November 30, 2009 12:00 AM

KHANTY-Mansiysk, Russia – Grandmaster Wesley So added defending champion GM Gata Kamsky of the US to his growing list of world-class victims, claiming a decisive 1.5-.5 victory to advance to the Last 16 in the World Chess Cup at the Khanty-Mansiysk Center of Arts here Saturday night.

In a big follow-up to his equally shocking 1.5-.5 upset win over former world championship finalist GM Vassily Ivanchuk in the second round, the 16-year-old So wittingly went for a draw by forcing an exchange of the major pieces, ending Kamsky’s bid to extend the match after 42 moves of the Dutch defense.

So, who is expected to breach the super GM rating of 2700 at the end of the year, even held a slight initiative in a rook-and-bishop ending when he accepted Kamsky’s offer to halve the point.

Here is the full article.

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