On Chess: Nakamura Misses Chance to Topple World Champion

He came close this time. The great white whale was in his sights. His elbow was cocked, and in his hand the harpoon was ready to deliver the fatal blow. And then it all disappeared.

Over the weekend, St. Louisan and U.S. No. 1 Hikaru Nakamura let slip his first-ever victory against the reigning World Champion, Magnus Carlsen. Nakamura quickly went from a winning position to completely lost in round three of the recently concluded Zurich Chess Challenge 2014.

In the 23 classical games the two have played against one another, Nakamura has never beaten Carlsen, losing eight times and drawing 15. This was, almost certainly, the closest Nakamura has come to scoring that elusive first victory against the No. 1 player in the world.

In chess, the slightest misstep can completely change the outcome of a game. When you’re playing the World Champion, a win can turn into a loss in an instant. And that loss can be the defining point of the tournament.

….In a recent article in New in Chess magazine, Nakamura is quoted as stating he views himself as the biggest threat to Carlsen at the moment. ..

Full article here.

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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