According to our friends at Chessdom, the drawing of lots gave 1 to Carlsen, 2 to Morozevich, 3 Gelfand, 4 Aronian, 5 Ivanchuk, 6 Anand, 7 Svidler, 8 Ponomariov, 9 Leko, and 10 Kramnik. That means that Carlsen, Morozevich, Gelfand, Aronian, and Ivanchuk have an extra White game.

Here are the matchups for round 1 at the 2009 Tal Memorial:

Carlsen – Kramnik
Morozevich – Leko
Ivanchuk – Anand
Gelfand – Ponomariov
Aronian – Svidler

Your prediction?

Chessdom also has live coverage here This for sure will be an exciting event.

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