Chess in the US in the eyes of the EnglishReport from Las Vegas by Sabrina Chevannes …I had heard lots of stories about American chess events, but never experienced them myself. Even at a junior stage, their tournaments are...
No One Is Bigger Than Chess
Disclaimer: As a matter of fairness, I will publish articles, letters, and information from both parties when I receive them. No One Is Bigger Than ChessBy WIM Beatriz MarinelloFormer President of the US Chess Federation Why didn’t the U.S....
Bribery, dirty politics, and USCF corruption
Below are various emails which clearly show the involvement of USCF President Bill Goichberg, Chess Journalist of America President Jerry Hanken, and others in a bribery scheme for votes in July/August 2008. They also clearly show that USCF President...
Another chess controversy
This is simply a report as it was sent to us. This blog takes no position regarding the claim of Mr. Kleinmuntz. Post by Robbie Kleinmuntz on ICA Yesterday I was in a game that went past 40 moves,...
The Dirty Hidden Truth
Here are some of the stunning facts about the current state of the USCF: Back in March 2003, the membership level of the USCF rose to 95,388. As of April 2009, the number is barely over 79,000 at 79,135....
The state of the US Chess Federation
Under the leadership of USCF President Bill Goichberg, Vice President Jim Berry, VP of Finance Randy Bauer and Executive Director Bill Hall, the USCF lost approximately 1,500 members (according to Mike Nolan) in February in comparison to 12 months...
More on Topalov – Kamsky
Here is an open letter by USCF President Bill Goichberg: U. S. Chess Federation Bill Goichberg, President PO BOX 3967 CROSSVILLE, TN 38557-3967 Phone: (931) 787 – 1234 Fax: (931) 787 – 1200 November 7, 2008 Open letter...
Financial disaster ahead?
Here is the latest statement by USCF President Bill Goichberg: “…after seven months we are running $42,341 behind budget. The membership trend has been poor in the past few months, and legal expenses for the rest of the year...
Would you pay $400 to enter a chess tournament?
I usually do not pay attention much about the world open but I just read a post on the chess drum new blog about this event which I find interesting. The upcoming world open has BIG price tag if...