GARCIA: NO TRUTH TO NCFP CLAIM ON SOAugust 14, 2014Written by Ed AndayaPublished in Other Sports LIES, lies, lies. These were the words of Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) chairman Richie Garcia in reaction to claims that the government sports...
FIDE announcement

FIDE has noticed several coordinated and politically motivated articles on certain websites, spreading false rumours and devaluating FIDE’s efforts in securing funds for the World Championship Cycle. FIDE would like to remind to certain “chess journalists” who create false...
IOC President slams politicians for using Sochi Olympics for political gains

Thomas Bach, IOC President, Slams Politicians Over Sochi Olympics by STEPHEN WILSONPosted: 02/04/2014 2:30 pm EST Updated: 02/04/2014 9:59 pm EST SOCHI, Russia (AP) — IOC President Thomas Bach accused world leaders Tuesday of using the Sochi Olympics as...
Making a move to Webster University

Embattled chess champ makes her move to Webster UniversityBY TIM BARKERPosted: Monday, June 25, 2012 12:10 am It was about five years ago that a woman in Virginia, on a whim, wrote to Susan Polgar, the chess grandmaster who...
No One Is Bigger Than Chess

Disclaimer: As a matter of fairness, I will publish articles, letters, and information from both parties when I receive them. No One Is Bigger Than ChessBy WIM Beatriz MarinelloFormer President of the US Chess Federation Why didn’t the U.S....
Bribery, dirty politics, and USCF corruption

Below are various emails which clearly show the involvement of USCF President Bill Goichberg, Chess Journalist of America President Jerry Hanken, and others in a bribery scheme for votes in July/August 2008. They also clearly show that USCF President...
The Dirty Hidden Truth – Additional Evidence Added

The Dirty Hidden Truth By Susan Polgar June 2009 * Just added evidence of a bribery scheme involving the USCF President Bill Goichberg, another Executive Board member, and others. It has been presented to the court. How could...
The state of the USCF

Under the leadership of USCF President Bill Goichberg, Vice President Jim Berry, VP of Finance Randy Bauer and Executive Director Bill Hall, the USCF lost approximately 1,500 members (according to Mike Nolan) in February in comparison to 12 months...
The Dirty Hidden Truth

The Dirty Hidden Truth By Susan Polgar June 2009 How could a national organization, an organization which claims that it has no money to do many things for the benefit of chess and it members, afford to spend...
The USCF is now approaching insolvency

While the USCF’s held insurance to defend against lawsuits, the USCF is now approaching insolvency (it is now apparently imposing a four-day workweek for USCF employees and has set up a legal defense fund) because of the affirmative lawsuits...