Is Wesley So migrating to Canada?

By Frank ‘Boy’ Pestaño


Thursday, October 18, 2012

WESLEY So is the best player the Philippines has ever produced.

So became a grandmaster at 14 years, one month and 28 days, making him the eighth youngest in the history of chess. In October 2008, he was rated 2610 and thus became the youngest player to become a Super GM at that time.

So was born in Bacoor, Cavite on Oct. 9, 1993 to William and Eleanor So, who are both accountants. His father taught him to play chess at age six. He started to compete in junior active chess tournaments at a very early age.

Now there is a possibility that Wesley might migrate to Canada and the Philippines could lose a potential world champion. Remember WIM Arianne Caoli who migrated to Australia several years ago? She played board 1 for Australia in the last Olympiad in Istanbul.

In fact, Wesley’s family has been living in Canada for two years now and being a minor, Wesley was surely also approved as immigrant.

He has been in Canada for some time and won both the Toronto Invitational and the Quebec Open recently.

Right now, Wesley is studying as a freshman-scholar at Webster University in St. Louis under the Spice (Susan Polgar Institute of Chess Excellence) program.

The Spice Cup 2012 tournament is now ongoing and the players are (all GMs): Le Quang Liem, Maxime Vachier-Lagrave. Ding Liren, Csaba Balogh, Wesley So and Georg Meier.

Only four games out of 15 have been decisive and after five rounds Wesley and Maxime are leading with 3 points.


Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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