Round 5 – FIDE World Chess Championship – Anand vs Carlsen

Round 5 – FIDE World Chess Championship – Anand vs Carlsen
Posted on November 15,2013 By GM Damian Lemos in All Articles w/ Videos. In this video Grand Master Damian Lemos analyzes round 5 of the World Chess Championship between Carlsen (White) and Anand ( Black). Magnus opens the game with the English opening ( his previous White games he played the Reti opening, not getting much ). After a couple of moves we get a triangle variation of the Semi-Slav defense. The resulting position is quite unexplored and we get a pre endgame soon where Black seems to have the edge due to hi[…]

Rook Endgames for Beginners – Susan Polgar Chess Video
Posted on November 14,2013 By William in All Articles w/ Videos, Beginner’s Corner. Rook endgames are considered one of the most difficult topics to study in chess because the difference between winning and drawing is extremely subtle. Frequently in rook endgames you can have a small advantage that is enough to win in the hands of an experienced Grandmaster, however a beginner or intermediate chess player is likely to play inaccurate moves that allow the opponent chances to escape. In the following chess video excerpt from ¨Lear[…]

Game 4 – FIDE World Chess Championship – Anand vs Carlsen
Posted on November 13,2013 By GM Damian Lemos in Strategy & Game Review, Tournament Updates, All Articles w/ Videos. In this video Grand Master Damian Lemos analyzes the 4th round of the World chess championship match between Anand (White pieces) against Carlsen (Black pieces). Magnus plays the Berlin wall defense, which is supposed to be a solid weapon to face 1.e4, getting a middlegame without queens at move 8-9, something we usually don’t see. After some accurate play by Magnus and a brave move ( Bxa2) he takes the lead and an endgame with an extra pawn. We […]

Round 3 – FIDE World Chess Championship – Analysis by GM Shankland
Posted on November 12,2013 By OnlineChessLessons.NET Contributor in Strategy & Game Review, Tournament Updates, All Articles w/ Videos. Today was the first game that was seriously contested. Carlsen decided to repeat his King’s Indian Attack with white, but played it differently wth 3. c4, changing the pawn structure. However, Anand was well prepared and with the strong move Nd4! he reached a very comfortable position, later snaring the Bishop Pair. Anand could have had some serious winning chances if he had played the computer move Bxb2!, but it is very difficult for a human to […] is a producer of thousands of free chess articles and free chess videos by FIDE chess masters. They recently released the renowned Empire Chess series that has been taking the chess world by storm. Please consider checking out their chess blog and chess shop with tons of free updated previews.

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