Vishwanathan Anand at Radio Mirchi station
Posted By: RnM Team 09 Dec 08 11:24 IST

MUMBAI: Listeners were biting nails, scratching their heads and lost in deep thought… when Indian grandmaster & current World Chess Champion, ‘Viswanathan Anand’ went live on-air with RJ Anmol on Radio Mirchi 98.3FM, India’s hottest Radio station in the Total Filmy show.

Aimed at making the lazy afternoon more interesting and knowledgeable, Radio Mirchi 98.3FM organized a special tête-à-tête session where Viswanathan Anand interacted with the Radio Mirchi listeners. The phones at the Radio Mirchi station didn’t stop ringing from the moment the Chess Champion went on-air. It was a huge audio treat for listeners with Mumbaikars calling from every nook and corner of the metropolis.

Viswanathan Anand had a blast at the Radio Mirchi studio, he played Tic-Tac-Toe with RJ Anmol, shared his favourite first move “1e4” (the pawn in front of the king moves 2 squares), sang his favourite Tamil song for his wife, shared a funny story from a train when a co-passenger mentioned to him that chess was a risky career unless one was Viswanathan Anand! (failing to recognize him), gave tips to all the chess lovers and also expressed his concern over the devastating attack on Mumbai.

Welcoming Viswanathan Anand, Sriram Kilambi, Station Director, Radio Mirchi, said, “It was a defining moment for us at Radio Mirchi to have the great chess champion in our studio. We are sure that his presence has both entertained and benefited our listeners. On behalf of team Mirchi and the listeners we thank him for his presence and wish him all success in his future endeavors.”


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