Queen’s Indian defense, the modern way

Queen’s Indian improvements provided by GM Danielsen

Queen’s Indian defense is one of the world’s most popular chess openings. The 4.g3 variation is the most popular line, while the modern 4… Ba6 followed by 5. Qc2 has been recently played by Carlsen, Topalov, and Ni Hua. The top grandmaster have shed some new light on the opening, GM Danielsen presents the first 3 introductory episodes on the new horizons and the key moments for white and black.

The Queen’s Indian series will consist of 14 episodes, and will run parallel to the ongoing series on Accelerated Dragon, Polar Bear (Bird), Nimzo Indian, 2.c3 e6 Sicilian, and the Grand Prix system.

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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