This is (the English Building) where the 2010 SPICE Spring Invitational is being held. Here are the pictures from round 1:

IM Krush (2461) postponed GM Finegold (2534)
– Irina was coming from the Queens City Classic. Ben Finegold was gracious enough to postpone their first round game so Irina could take part in the SPICE Spring Invitational.

IM Antal (2511) 1/2 FM Yang (2378) – Antal had a very good position out of the opening. But he failed to find the proper (perhaps winning) continuation and Yang capitalized on this. This gave Yang a winning endgame. However, he allowed a classic stalemate Rook sacrifice and let his opponent off the hook.

IM Kuljasevic (2552) 1/2 GM Kraai (2508) – An uneventful game where Kraai was able to equalize early on.

FM Hansen (2415) 0-1 IM Ippolito (2466) – It was a hard fought game until Hansen blundered during time pressure.

IM Papp (2542) 0-1 GM Becerra (2538) – Papp got a nice advantage out of the opening and Becerra’s position was very tight. Rather than getting squeezed, Becerra made a bold sacrifice to launch a counter attack. What seemed to be a harmless attack turned into a decisive victory when Papp failed to find the best continuation.

Great work by our Technical Chief Brett James to set up the MonRoi system for LIVE games! Special thanks to Zeljka for the technical support. Big thanks to Peggy Flores, Dr. Hal Karlsson, Dr. Rich Rice, and Chief TD Bill Snead for their help in setting up the tournament and making everything runs smoothly.

Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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