Anand has prepared much for this Chess Tournament in Nanjing not only prepared for the competition psychologically but also brings about a powerful sponsor—NIIT. The “exposure” of this special news is owing to a small “accident” happened in the airport.

It is said that Anand arrived in Nanjing on Monday. The two suitcases that he carried with him didn’t contain his suit and he suddenly found that he has taken the wrong suitcase. Yesterday, he said humorously, “I may wear the same suit during the tournament and it is exact the suit with sponsor’s trademark.” Someone joked, “Anand’s encounter was very unlucky.” However, Anand continued to say, “Probably this is my ‘lucky suit’”. Then late into the night, Anand happened to find his suitcase in the hotel. Considering his personal image, Anand decided to take off his “lucky suit”. As a result, we see Anand wearing an orange T-shirt with a grey-brown coat in the competition ground today. He looks vigorous and energetic.

Let’s focus on his sponsor—NIIT again. It is said that NIIT is one of information technology companies and its head apartment is set up in Gurgaon which is close to the capital. The company is specialized in information consulting education and training around the world and it has become the largest information consulting company in the whole world with more than 5,000,000 students from more than 40 countries.

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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar
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