August 29, 2009 17:59 PM

Ministry Ready To Support Development Of Chess As A Sport – Ahmad Shabery

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 29 (Bernama) — The Ministry of Youth and Sports has agreed to include chess in their development programme due to the increasing popularity of the sport.

Its Minister Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek said as a first step, the ministry would discuss with the Malaysian Chess Federation to identify and draw up a development programme.

“We need to take the initial step towards producing grandmasters for the future,” he told reporters after opening the Malaysia Chess Festival here on Saturday.

“We need more publicity and to promote the sport aggressively to bring in the fans to see such games. For example, bowling and cricket were deemed boring sports before but due to improvisation of the rules and competition times, it is now well accepted by the public.”

Ahmad Shabery said the ministry would try to provide financial support for the Federation to organise more competitions at the national level.

“Apart from the government’s support and assistance, the Federation must also put in its own effort and try to find their own sponsors,” he said.

Meanwhile, its President Tan Sri Ramli Ngah Talib in welcoming the government’s initiative to support the sport, said the federation would do its part to further promote the sport.



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Chess Daily News from Susan Polgar